New year, new resolution. Aaah, if only it were that simple.
I’m sure many of you have tried creating new year resolutions consisting of both physical, intellectual, lifestyle, or even spiritual targets. But do most of you actually check the completion at the end of the year?
Me? Same pathetic situations. Resolutions come and go without checking whatsoever. One resolution done in January, perhaps I put it on a blog, then that’s it.
Perhaps my own resolutions never came to reality because they were too general without specific steps to achieve them. So, let me try to do that this year by starting moderately but with specific and measurable actions.
Name of resolution: to read 1 book each month
Steps: buy/borrow a book for each month and complete reading it by the end of that month.
Follow-ups: post the progress (or its failure) monthly on this blog.
Let’s see what happens. Hopefully I can complete this one by December 2025.